Barack Hussein Obama: The Audacity of Eloquence
Does Barack Obama offer anything else besides his uncanny ability for eloquent speech? Will his past affiliation to the Muslim religion become his biggest vulnerability? Will post 9-11 America be able to consider a Presidential Candidate who used to proclaim himself a Muslim?
"...his teacher at the school sent a note home to his mother that Obama made trouble by making faces while the class was studying the Koran" -- "Audacity of Hope"
..the mere affiliation to Islam, at anytime in his life, is damaging enough! I'm sorry, but the reality is, when it it comes to American Politics, Barack's ethnic heritage IS a vulnerability ....and Obama more than anyone else is aware of this.
Having an affiliation to the Muslim religion shouldn't be a problem...but it is!! ...especially in a world where the Muslim religion, albeit a fanatical part, has the capacity to reach children like
To some, this is the status quo, the quintessential stereotype of Islam, especially on the right... to others on the left, this is a small group within the Muslim population who are fanatical ...whichever it is...the mere existence of it alone gives the WHOLE Muslim faith a bad name and any affiliation to it the appropriate misnomered stereotype.
You know what's funny, and people never seem to address this, but the one overwhelming difference between the christian fanatic and the Islamic fanatic is the latter's ardent fervor for killing. For example, you don't see christian fanatics beheading non-believers or performing 12th century rituals like public Stonings, abhorrent clitoridectomies, and ahh yes lets not forget bride of many honor killings performed in non western countries. If you don't believe me..look at my other posts!
We are lucky to live in a world where our main concern is weekend BBQs and the occasional Grey's Anatomy cohort of gay bashing.
Globalization has made this world so small, people who thought they were poor can now clearly see (with the help of technology) the amenities of the western world in High Definition... They must wonder how such opulent lives exist while they are so accustomed to so little going to the bathroom without TP or even a toilet...something we take for granted every single day! You think I'm joking!!!!..,try traveling somewhere else besides Europe and good hygiene easily becomes a luxury. I can only say these things from experience after frequenting third world countries. In particular, I can't help but remember this one indigenous Amazonian man in Peru that told me once how happy he was until he encountered TV!! Ignorance is bliss!
..OK , granted I have seen Christian fanatics profess violence, commit murder (e.g. victims in the gay population), etc. ..but there is a distinct difference between government sanctioned executions of gay citizens in non western countries and the occasional ILLEGAL hate crime committed in this country. If you profess your homosexuality, this Muslim government (click on the link) will hang you!
A Babble of Political Incorrectness
Imagine if our government was a religious theocracy, some may think we are headed that way, but such an argument only sways attention away from what is happening RIGHT NOW!!! ...where children are raised to hate us along with any form of westernization. Why do liberals always avoid this issue? I guess I was somewhat of a moderate myself ...that is before 9-11, but after other human beings of obvious middle eastern decent..and of obvious Islamic predisposition attacked this country, I changed. I told myself: why wouldn't you do everything in your power to separate yourself as far away as humanly possible from those people and what they stood for?
The obvious paradox is exemplified by the fact that not all Islamic people are of middle eastern decent and vice versa... and yes, go ahead and include all the other exceptions. I guess I can see now how horrible and frighteningly logical it was to to put the Japanese into interment camps back in WWII. (not all Japanese citizens wanted to kill Americans) Despite this issue and I guess at the very least ....when I hear of the fervency in which liberals condemn our government, I can't help but say to myself : "Wow, I just heard Al Zahari say the EXACT SAME thing". Does this make liberals exactly like our enemies???... perhaps not exactly, but liberals always seem to conveniently overlook the extreme fundamentalism behind the Islamic paradigm.
For instance, if Islamic fundamentalists were to successfully overthrow this country and the liberals were to make a last ditch effort for their lives by decreeing their admonishment for President Bush in exchange for their lives, they would still succumb to be-headings like the rest of us !!! ....Whereas if this country was to stay just the way it is, their admonishment would be protected by their 1st amendment rights. The next question would be: Is it feasible to think that they could conquer the United States? Does preemption prove itself.. if nothing occurs? Why didn't Truman go after China the way he went after Japan when he had the chance? ...would the Vietnam and Korean Wars still have happened?? ...probably not. I guess a proxy war is what America does best when liberals keep aggression at bay...Alas, I'm all for it ....because in the end more people will die..which coincides with my misanthropic ideals on a macro yay..GO LIBERALS! ideal is a conservative reality is the result of liberalism.
.....I mean just grasping ....comprehending ...pondering the potential enormity of the aforementioned scenario as an actual reality and it almost seems like a joke ...but perhaps, for just one second, for the sake of argument, navigate yourself into that mindset and decide: Is it better that our troops die in Iraq alongside Iraqi civilians or here next to innocent American civilians (e.g. your parents!...siblings!!!) (and if you don't agree with the whole Iraq thing, just blatantly pick any middle eastern country of your choice..they ALL have at least one person willing to kill us...and it only takes one!) .....if death was to be your only choice, which death would you choose? I dunno call me selfish, but I've come to a quick and prudent conclusion that I would want the battle to be on foreign soil. And personally, I feel we should kill them first before giving them ANY opportunity to take over the United
States of America
Boycotting American Food!!!
I find it funny when the same people who hold ABC news in such high regard vilify them when the news stories don't coincide with their own personal beliefs..don't get me wrong ..I have never believed the potholed news spewing out of ABC ..or for that matter, any network news ...but it is so hysterical to see the liberals eat each other up like this.
That's fine if you studied the Koran as a child or went to an Indonesian "public" school to study math, science...and the proud of that shouldn't be a factor, but in today's America it is a factor. Alas, I do not see Barack Hussein Obama really winning any race outside of California and New York!
You could do better by attacking him on his stances rather than a possible link to the Muslim background. He is aan eloquent liberal that wants to take my guns away from me. He will spend $ trying to make the masses more dependent on the Government and kill the need for people to realize they control their own future and will be successful if they get up off their butts, stay sober and work hard. For those reasons I oppose him. The pictures were cute but you could do better. MUD
I agree. My idea was more to overshadow obama a little with the pictures and emphasize more on the greater threat of islamic fundamentalism. I already know there is no way he will get past the primaries, but if I can use his notoriety as a spring board against fundamentalism in order to get my message out, then I will. Thanks MUD you don't understand how happy I am to see comments like yours.. especially while living in the bastion of made my day!
hehehe..very interesting
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