Monday, March 27, 2006

GOODBYE EMMA!!! ( My very own acrimonious dialogue with America's most famous anarchist.)

May your deportation from America, your disilusionment in Communist Russia thereafter, and your bolshevik socialist utopian ideals be your eternal punishment.

May you learn that free speech with responsibility is better than no free speech at all as you witnessed in Communist Russia, where Sasha Birkman's bolshevik marxist ideals exploded in your face. Where true freedoms were an illusion and any attempt to change the status quo meant death in your iconic left winged peace driven socalist world. At least in America I can disagree with you all night long and not be killed for it ..ironically as they do in most of the middle east or in your case Communist Russia.

May the rebirth of the Palmer Raids be something my generation can also experience. we can deport the people who incite violence as welll....


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